Your marketing will be tailored to your home, depending on your location, price, and market. This may include:
- Photography – A picture is worth a thousand words, and your home photos will appear on your print marketing (flyers, postcards, etc) as well as on the MLS, Zillow/Trulia, and Social Media.
- Mailings – Old fashioned snail-mail still has its place in marketing. Often, I’ll send personalized letters to the neighborhood, alerting them of the new listing and potential increased traffic.
- Social Media – We will get the word out with share-able posts on Facebook and Instagram.
- Open Houses – These are great events for connecting with both buyers and brokers. Special Feature cards can be placed around the home to identify unique selling points.
- Broker-to-Broker marketing – I’ll use all my resources within my John L. Scott office and my professional connections to help even more qualified buyers find your home.
- Signs – In addition to the traditional yard-arm, we may use more signs to direct traffic towards your home, especially during an open house.