2017 flew by in the blink of an eye. I don’t think I’ve ever had a year go by that fast! & I must say, it was by far the best year EVER! From fixing up and selling our first home, to remodeling our current project (blog update coming soon), we also managed to fit in several getaways and spend quality time with some of our favorite people!
Don’t get me wrong… I had some pitfalls this year too. In terms of Real Estate, I fell behind with my marketing, & I was also unable to sell one of my client’s homes. Regardless, I am FOREVER grateful for being given the opportunity to work with such an amazing family, as well as the relationship I got to build with them!! ❤️
Over a decade ago, Marc & I both quit our day jobs to pursue our passion in Real Estate. & I can finally say I feel like we are on the right path to turn that dream into reality.
With all that said, I am SOOOO excited to see what 2018 has in store for us! I have no idea where this journey is going to take us, but one thing I know for sure… it will be even better than last year. So make sure to hit the “follow” button if you want to follow us on our adventures!
I hope you all have your best year EVER in 2018 and find success… Follow your heart and chase your dreams! & don’t forget, I’m here to help any way I can.
(From Lake Chelan, Whidbey Island, Seaside, Vegas to Cali)
Thanks for reading…